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Strategic Business Analytics Consultant IBM - London

Job Description

By joining Business Dynamics, you won’t just be ‘part’ of IBM’s newBusiness Analytics and Optimisation (BAO) service, you will become amember of the award winning Business Modelling and Advanced Analyticsteam which is IBM’s Centre of Excellence for Business Modelling.

Inthis highly numerate role, you will be joining a company that has moremathematics scientists than the top 10 global universities combined.But we don’t just recruit mathematicians; you need to be highlynumerate and, equally importantly, be passionate about solving client’sbusiness problems by using analytics and utilising your consultingskills, and working with IBM colleagues and the client’s own staff,from diverse backgrounds, to deliver a great analytical solution forthe client.

No two assignments will be the same – but you willmainly work at the client’s site. You may be talking to the client tounderstand their problem; collecting data and analysing it; specifying,building, using or implementing a model or presenting your analysis andrecommendations to the client. As you progress within Business Dynamicsyou will be more involved in selling and managing the work. But all ofus, whatever level within Business Dynamics, spend our time withclient’s using analytics to make a real difference to client’s businessproblems.

Your scope? In a word, vast. We work across allIndustries in the UK. You will enjoy applying your analytical andconsulting skills to tough business issues, providing specialistsupport to clients by:

• Putting the hard edge into strategy - Strategy Analytics

• Ensuring performance targets are aligned with the delivery of strategy throughout the organisation - Performance Analytics

• Bringing robustness to complex business case development – Finance Analytics

• Using customer information to increase the value of customer relationships - Customer Analytics

• Optimising prices to maximise value - Pricing Analytics

• Managing delivery of benefits in complex business change programmes - Benefits Management

Yourlogical thinking, data analysis skills, and modelling expertise intools from Excel, VBA and Access to using the range of analyticalsoftware recently purchased by IBM, as part of its $12bn investment inBAO, including SPSS (Statistics), iLOG (Mathematical Programming) andUNICA (Campaign Management) will be applied to an array of complexbusiness problems and will see you provide astute insights into howclients’ businesses can work. Tailored training will be provided asrequired for each assignment.

As part of the wider team, you’llhave the ability to harness advances in information technology, datamanagement and analytical techniques to improve business performance.You’ll help clients to maximise this competitive advantage through theimplementation of analytics to support key business processes.

Desired Skills & Experience


You’ll need to be independent, influential and inspirational with people – both clients and colleagues.

Youwill probably already be working in an analytical role (e.g. in anexternal or internal Consulting team or in a Strategy, Finance, SupplyChain, Operations, Sales, Marketing or Operational Research Department).

Youwill be a graduate with at least a 2:1 in Mathematics, Statistics,Operational Research, Science, Engineering or Economics and we lookvery favourably on those with a relevant MSc or PhD) and this is achance to work alongside highly successful colleagues and pit your witsagainst intricate, real-world problems where excellence is bothexpected and rewarded.

In addition, you will need at least anA in A-Level Mathematics (or equivalent), fluency in verbal and writtenEnglish and be permanently eligible to work in the UK (i.e. EU or EEAcitizen)..   Required
  • Bachelor's Degree
  • Provenrelevant experience in an Analytical role (e.g. in an External orInternal Consulting role or in a Strategy, Finance , Supply Chain,Operations, Sales, Marketing or Operation Research Department) :Mastered
  • Mathematical, Engineering, Science or Economics degree 2.1 minimum : Mastered
  • Maths A level at ´A*´ or ´A´ Grade or equivalent : Mastered
  • Permanently Eligible to work in the UK (i.e. EU or EEA citizen) : Mastered
  • Fluent in both Written and Verbal English : Mastered
  • English: Fluent

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Email: jobs@aarenconsultants.in
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